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US Election 2020: Facebook and Twitter block 'highly suspicious' story about Joe Biden's son Hunter. The Biden campaign has denied that a meeting alleged in the documents obtained by the New York 2021-01-28 · Former White House stenographer Mike McCormick spent six years (2011-2017) at then-Vice President Joe Biden’s side as he met with world leaders, delivered speeches and interacted with members of the news media. Joe Biden har presenterat sin sjupunktsplan för hur USA ska hantera coronakrisen. Han vill införa nationellt munskyddstvång, utökat test- och vaccinprogram och skydda äldre och högriskgrupper.

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Senator, Vice President, 2020 candidate for President of the United States, husband to Jill, proud father and grandfather. 2020-10-15 Joe Biden slams Facebook, calls Zuckerberg a 'real problem' In an interview with The New York Times editorial board, the Democratic presidential candidate doesn't hold back. 2020-01-17 Joe Biden’s campaign launched a broadside against Facebook on Thursday, urging supporters to sign an open letter that calls on the company to stamp out misinformation. In response, Facebook n… 2020-11-24 Biden wrote an amendment in 1992 to compel the Bush administration to arm the Bosnians, but deferred in 1994 to a somewhat softer stance the Clinton administration preferred, before signing on the following year to a stronger measure sponsored by Bob Dole and Joe Lieberman. Read Our Open Letter To Facebook. Dear Mark Zuckerberg, Over the past year, the Biden for President campaign has called on Facebook to meet the commitment the company made after 2016 — to use its platform to improve American democracy rather than as a … 2021-03-24 2021-04-06 Dear Mark Zuckerberg, Over the past year, the Biden for President campaign has called on Facebook to meet the commitment the company made after 2016 — to use its platform to improve American democracy rather than as a tool to spread disinformation that undermines our elections. The campaign has proposed meaningful ways to check disinformation […] Joe Biden slams Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook for having too much power: 'I've never been a big Zuckerberg fan.

46th President of the United States, husband to @FLOTUS, proud father and grandfather. Building back better for all Americans. Joe Biden.

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Ifall uppgifterna i New York Post stämmer har Biden alltså ljugit. Enligt tidningen avslöjar mejl i datorn att Hunter Biden presenterat en ukrainsk  Donald Trumps app-krig med Kina fortsätter – han har gått till hård attack mot flera stora amerikanska tech-bolag. Men hur skulle Joe Biden  President Trump kritiserar Twitter och Facebook för att stoppa länkar till en artikel som hävdar att demokraternas Joe Biden och hans son  Många förknippar president Trump med hans twittrande.

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9,031,940 likes · 66,883 talking about this. Senator, Vice President, 2020 candidate for President of the United States, husband to Jill, proud father and grandfather.

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Joe Biden. 9,055,825 likes · 59,175 talking about this. Senator, Vice President, 2020 candidate for President of the United States, husband to Jill, proud father and grandfather.
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Building back better for all Americans. Joe Biden. 9,031,940 likes · 66,883 talking about this. Senator, Vice President, 2020 candidate for President of the United States, husband to Jill, proud father and grandfather. Joe Biden.

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Race should never determine health... - President Joe Biden

Liknande sidor. Election Day 2020. Lokalt företag. Joe Biden 2020. Intresse. Dr. Jill Biden. Författare.

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2021-04-10 · Central American Countries May Soon Get Cash Payments from Joe Biden.

Senator, Vice President, 2020 candidate for President of the United States, husband to Jill, proud father and grandfather. Joe Biden. 9,055,809 likes · 60,322 talking about this. Senator, Vice President, 2020 candidate for President of the United States, husband to Jill, proud father and grandfather. Joe Biden.